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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding THC & CBD Ratios

thc cbd ratio

The effects of cannabis on the body are susceptible to the THC and CBD ratio of the product. Different ratios of THC to CBD can be more or less effective for other purposes, such as pain relief or anxiety reduction.

When choosing a product, you should consider the THC-CBD ratio, your tolerance, and any possible medication interactions or contraindications. Here is a simple THC and CBD ratio guide for those exploring CBD and THC benefits.

What is CBD: THC Ratio?

The THC to CBD  ratio is used to determine the relative concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis products.

These two cannabinoids, among the hundreds of compounds found in cannabis plants, have received the most attention and study. In the human body, the endocannabinoid system regulates pain perception, emotional stability, and appetite, which respond similarly to cannabinoids.

The psychedelic qualities of cannabis come from a compound called THC. The growing legalization of recreational marijuana can be directly attributed to this molecule. Meanwhile, CBD has been shown to offer medical qualities, including pain relief and anti-anxiety benefits, without the psychoactive effects.

The CBD-to-THC ratio varies considerably based on cannabis strain and extraction technique. It’s possible to breed cannabis plants with a high or low concentration of THC and CBD. During the extraction process, the ratio may also be changed so that some products have a higher concentration of CBD or THC than others.


Benefits of CBD and THC Together

CBD and THC can have distinct physiological effects when consumed alone or together. A larger CBD-to-THC ratio may be preferable for those particularly sensitive to THC’s psychotropic effects since CBD helps mitigate such impacts.

Research suggests that the synergistic effects of CBD and THC may be even more effective when used to treat chronic pain and multiple sclerosis. Studies indicated that the synergistic impact of CBD and THC was more significant than that of either component alone in helping persons with chronic pain reduce their discomfort and improve their sleep quality.

Below are some potential effects of cannabis products that contain CBD and THC:

What is the Best THC: CBD Ratio for Pain?

Doctors specializing in pain management recommend a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio to their patients. For people who are just starting to use medical cannabis to treat chronic pain, it’s best to take 7.5 mg CBD and 0.75 mg THC three to four times daily. You may also try cannabis edibles for pain relief. 

Your physician may even recommend the best CBD ratio for pain at 20:1 or 30:1. The ratio may vary depending on your needs and medical condition.  Finding the right balance may take trial and error, but working with a healthcare provider and following dosing guidelines can help ensure safe and effective use.

What is the Best CBD to THC Ratio for Anxiety?

When treating symptoms of anxiety, marijuana as medicine is a double-edged sword. While it has the potential to reduce people’s stress, it also can make it worse when you take a CBD-THC ratio that isn’t fit for you. The best CBD ratio for anxiety is 10:1. CBD to THC ratio is highly recommended for general consumption.

The best way to find the optimal CBD-to-THC ratio is to ask for a recommendation from your medical marijuana doctor. From there, you can do a bit of experimenting on the CBD: THC ratio under the guidance of your doctor. Make sure to document every change in your body and choose the best ratio that provides the most benefits and the least amount of problems.

Best CBD Ratio for Sleep

Many individuals experience difficulties getting a good night’s sleep because of insomnia. Meanwhile, many sleeping pills have unpleasant side effects that we’d all want to avoid.

Since THC has sedating properties, most experts advise a 5:1 CBD to THC ratio. These specific ratios of CBD to THC in tinctures will give you all the calming effects you need without making your heart pound or mind wander.


What’s the Best CBD-THC Ratio for Me

There are a few things to remember while looking for the ideal CBD-to-THC ratio. Determine why you want to use CBD and THC in the first place. Is it a matter of relieving pain, calming nerves, or something else entirely? 

Here is a simple guide to CBD and THC ratios for cannabis products:

CBD to THC Ratio Recommended For
20:1 For novice cannabis users who don’t want to get high
8:1 For experienced cannabis users who don’t want to get high
4:1 For cannabis users who have developed some tolerance to THC
2:1 For cannabis users who don’t mind getting psychoactive effects
1:1 For highly experienced cannabis users who can tolerate a moderate dosage of THC

Next, think about how much THC you can typically handle. Start with a lower CBD-to-THC ratio if you have never taken THC or have a poor tolerance. Meanwhile, a more significant CBD-to-THC percentage may be more beneficial if you have a more substantial tolerance or are utilizing THC for specific therapeutic objectives.

Drug interactions and hazards must also be taken into account. Be cautious and consult your doctor before combining CBD and THC with any other drugs you may be taking. Please consult with a healthcare professional so they can help you narrow down the options and choose the one that will serve you best.


Determining the optimal combination of CBD and THC for you requires trial and error. Think about what you hope to achieve, how much THC you can handle, and whether or not you take any medications that might interfere with this substance.

Take note that the cannabis form, such as edibles, tinctures, dried leaves, and pills, plays a role in the product’s effectiveness.  Contact us today to learn more about CBD and THC products’ health benefits.

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