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What is Rick Simpson Oil? How Do You Use RSO?

rick simpson oil

Have you ever heard of a powerhouse cannabis oil creating ripples in the medical community lately? Chances are it’s Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO for short.

This isn’t just another item on the extensive list of cannabis products. From its intriguing backstory to its potential boons, learn if this celebrated cannabis concoction aligns with your wellness goals.

What Is Rick Simpson Oil?

So, you’ve stumbled upon the term Rick Simpson Oil and are curious. You’re not alone. As the world of medical cannabis blossoms, more and more people ask, what is Rick Simpson Oil?

In the simplest terms, it’s a super-concentrated cannabis oil. Some folks swear by its potency and refer to it as RSO for convenience.

Who Is Rick Simpson?

Behind every incredible creation, there’s a creator. In this case, it’s Rick Simpson. But who is he?

Rick Simpson isn’t a scientist or a doctor but a Canadian engineer. After facing some health setbacks, he decided to take matters into his own hands. The oil garnered the attention of many. Stories of RSO’s potential benefits spread like wildfire, and soon, he became synonymous with this unique cannabis extract.

RSO Oil vs Cannabis Oil: What’s the Difference?

With so many products flooding the market, it’s easy to get lost. RSO oil isn’t just your everyday cannabis oil. While both come from the cannabis plant, their extraction methods set them apart. There are various types of cannabis extraction methods out there.

Rick Simpson’s approach uses a particular solvent (like alcohol) to draw out the plant’s therapeutic elements. This process makes a thick, almost tar-like oil darker than most other cannabis oils. This darkness isn’t just about color—it’s a testament to RSO’s strength and concentration.

Benefits of RSO

Alright, let’s get to the juicy bit. Why is RSO making waves in the medical cannabis community?

Because of its potential benefits, some users claim it helps soothe their chronic pain. Others turn to it to get better sleep or alleviate their anxiety. Even patients undergoing treatments like chemotherapy have reported feeling relief from nausea after using RSO.

Here are a few potential benefits of RSO:

Remember, though, that individual experiences can vary. Just because it worked wonders for one person doesn’t guarantee the same for another. Always approach with an open mind and caution.

How Do You Use Rick Simpson Oil?

RSO Syringe

An RSO syringe might sound intimidating, but it’s super user-friendly. It allows you to measure out the exact dose you want. You can place a drop or two under your tongue for faster absorption or mix it into your meals.

RSO Edibles

RSO edibles can be a delightful choice for those with a sweet tooth. Imagine indulging in a piece of chocolate or a cake with the added benefit of RSO. While delicious, remember that edibles take longer to affect the system. So, wait a bit before deciding you need more.

RSO Capsules

If you’re not keen on the taste or the process of measuring out oil, RSO capsules are a blessing. They’re discreet, portable, and take the guesswork out of dosing. Swallow one with water, and you’re good to go!

Is RSO dangerous?

RSO, like all products with active compounds, warrants careful use. The primary concern with Rick Simpson oil is its high THC content, which can be psychoactive. Several studies have highlighted the potential risks and benefits of THC-rich products.

For instance, a study published in the Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence emphasized that high doses of THC could lead to adverse psychiatric effects in some individuals, especially those predisposed to anxiety or other mood disorders.

Moreover, consuming large quantities of THC may impair short-term memory, coordination, and judgment. For homeowners and professionals, this means exercising caution while operating machinery or engaging in tasks that require focus.

Yet, it’s crucial to understand that many users report beneficial effects while RSO has risks. Always consult a healthcare provider before trying any new product, especially if combined with other medications or if there’s a history of health concerns.

Side effects of RSO

  1. Dizziness: Some users report feeling a bit dizzy after using RSO. It’s essential to sit or lie down if this happens.
  2. Dry mouth: Like other cannabis products, RSO oil can leave you feeling parched. Drinking water can help.
  3. Increased appetite: Many cannabis products boost hunger. You might find yourself munching more than usual after using RSO.
  4. Sleepiness: Feeling a bit exhausted? It’s a common side effect. It’s best not to drive or operate heavy machinery if you feel this way.

Where can I get Rick Simpson Oil?

Curious about where to buy this? Most licensed dispensaries will carry Rick Simpson Oil.

If you’re searching for Rick Simpson Oil because you think it might have therapeutic benefits, you could look into medical marijuana. A good starting point would be to look into medical marijuana telemedicine services, which provide a quick and easy way to get advice and information about cannabis-based products, like RSO.

Through the use of medical marijuana telemedicine, patients can speak with doctors from a distance about their particular illnesses as well as the possible advantages of using products like Rick Simpson Oil.

It’s important to understand the laws about medical marijuana before diving into the purchase of Rick Simpson Oil. Often, getting a medical marijuana card is necessary to purchase these items. When purchasing and using medical cannabis following state laws, a person needs a medical marijuana card, which acts as formal authorization.

How long does RSO take to work?

So, you’ve tried RSO oil and wonder, “How long before I feel anything?” Most users feel the effects within 30 minutes to an hour. It depends on your body and how much you’ve taken. Start with a small amount and wait to see how your body reacts before taking more.

How to Make Rick Simpson Oil

Ready to make your own Rick Simpson Oil? The process involves different cannabis extraction methods to pull the beneficial compounds from the plant. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Gather your cannabis. Use a strain that suits your needs, whether for relaxation or other medical benefits.
  2. Next, you’ll need a solvent. Many use pure light naphtha. It helps in separating the oil from the plant.
  3. Place your cannabis in a bucket and add the solvent. Stir and crush the cannabis using a wooden stick. This process will help dissolve the plant’s trichomes.
  4. Drain the solvent from the plant material into another container. The solvent now has the cannabis oil in it.
  5. Now, it’s time to evaporate the solvent. Use a rice cooker or a simple pot for this. Heat it, but don’t let it over 300°F (148°C). As the solvent evaporates, the thick, sticky RSO forms.
  6. Once all the solvent has evaporated, transfer the thick oil into a syringe or glass container.

Remember, making RSO at home involves dealing with flammable solvents, so always ensure you’re in a well-ventilated space and away from open flames.

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